Why should you consider using Bootstrap?

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Category: Uncategorized

Bootstrap is a very popular front-end framework developed for supporting the creation of dynamic web applications and websites. It is considered to be among the most widely used front-end frameworks since it helps in developing a website in fastest and easy manner. The framework is supported by all the major browsers as well as fast loading web pages designed responsively. The Bootstrap framework consists of CSS and HTML-based design templates that can be used for different types of interface components so that web development is rendered much easier. By updating CSS, users can adapt to the latest and modern trends rather quickly. Developers should focus more on the interaction components as Bootstrap itself is going to take care of the standard components and views of data that can also be altered later in case the users choose to do so.

Bootstrap is perfectly compatible with most of the latest versions of the leading browsers such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Safari. The framework supports responsive web designing and can dynamically adjust layout of the web pages by taking into consideration the characteristics of device being used. It is due to this reason that there is always a great demand for Bootstrap technologies.

There are numerous advantages of using Bootstrap. Some of them are listed below.

High speed web development:

One of the major advantages of choosing Bootstrap is the speed of web development that it has to offer. If you are looking to create a website or an application within a short time, you should definitely consider using Bootstrap for your project. Not only it can help immensely to save time that is taken for coding by offering much less CSS operations and prebuilt coding blocks but they also remove the need of users having to structure the code from scratch. The readymade themes that come with Bootstrap can be used for achieving all web development goals much quicker.


Consistency is the most important feature with which Bootstrap is widely associated. It ensures perfect consistency regardless of the developer or designer who is actually working on it. Additionally, the results work in a uniform manner across multiple browsers, thus helping to make sure that the output is always the same for all kinds of projects.


CISCO has predicted a few years ago that the traffic for global mobile data is going to increase almost 11 times between the years of 2013 and 2018. One of the cornerstones of such developments certainly lie with responsive web designing, particularly to make sure that more people tend to browse the internet in their mobiles and have a good time doing that. Bootstrap is effectively equipped with a responsive layout as well as a 12-column grid system which can help in dynamically adjusting a website to fit a proper screen resolution. Bootstrap comes with a feature called ‘responsive utility classes’ which enables the web developer to hide or show a specific section of content meant for some particular screen size.

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